Life Advocate magazine . . .

  • the first
    to bring you news of the abortion-breast cancer link (Feb. '97).
  • the first
    to expose the D & X -- "partial birth" abortion technique (Feb. '93).
  • the first
    to detail "contraceptive" abortion by Christians as the root cause of surgical abortion in America (Mar. '91 . . .).
  • the first
    to target Kevorkian and uncover specific evidence against him (Apr. '93).
  • the first
    to organize and report on rescues in a former Iron Curtain country (Feb. '92).
  • the first
    to allow open debate on the morality of using force to save unborn lives (Apr. '93. . .).
  • the first
    to feature in-depth articles on Christian complicity in protecting the practice of abortion (Sept. '89), abortions sordid history (Feb. '96), the fate of the unsaved (Dec. '95), how traditional medicine is exploited in order to justify murder (Apr. '96) and much more . . .
  • the first
    to offer biting and insightful commentary on every aspect of Christian activism and inactivism in a culture of death.
  • Subscribe or donate and be part of this life-saving and history-making ministry.

    P.O. Box 13656
    Portland, OR 97213